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Students crowded the Elektror booth
来源:来源: 发布时间: 2010-08-05 15:08 279 次浏览 大小: 16px 14px 12px | 作者:business-100 | 发布时间: 1540天前 | 772 次浏览 | 分享到:

Students crowded the Elektror booth

On Saturday morning 14th October 2017 the annually “Job-Info-Tag” took place in the Riegelhof middle school in Ostfildern.

Elektror airsystems attended this trainee fair and used this opportunity to inform about their training offers in Ostfildern. During those three hours the students and their families had the chance to ask questions about an apprenticeship or a cooperative study program at Elektror. The manufacturer for industrial fans offers two apprenticeships, industrial clerks and technical product designer as well as three dual courses. These dual courses are also divided into technical and industrial studies.

The exhibition team answered a large number of questions e.g. “What kind of products is Elektror manufacturing?”, “Can you describe the process flow of an education?”, and “Are there any requirements in order to get an apprenticeship place or a place to study?” The team was put together of two employees from the human resources department, two trainees and one cooperative student.

Besides Elektror round about 70 other companies informed young students about their educational options and used the fair to socialize with them. The attended companies came from various sectors e.g. the industry, craft or service sector.

Elektror airsystems gmbh joined the exhibition for the fourth time and it was again a huge success. Many students visited the booth and didn’t hesitate to ask the things they were interested in.

For more information about the educational offers please click here.

