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Elektror presents live application at the drinktec exhibition
来源:来源: 发布时间: 2010-08-05 15:05 238 次浏览 大小: 16px 14px 12px | 作者:business-100 | 发布时间: 1602天前 | 720 次浏览 | 分享到:

Elektror presents live application at the drinktec exhibition

On this year’s drinktec exhibition Elektror airsystems gmbh presents a wide range of products combined with the latest developments for nearly every air application.

According to the motto “We make air work” the supplier for air applications presents three highlights. For the first time Elektror shows a live application which can be assigned to the new field “Systems and Solutions”. A modular drying process for bottles will be shown. Already cleaned bottles will be dried efficiently by air.

Additionally the latest blower series aluminum high pressure (A-HP) will be presented. This series has a more compact construction, standard flanges and an increased power density.

Another highlight is a ventilation system, by which Elektror is following an important development in machine and plant engineering. One product of the new segment “Systems and Solutions” is an air cabinet, which is equipped with various fans and functional units as well as an electronic control. The air cabinet can be set decentral and fulfills various functions via tablet PC: drying, conveying, blowing etc.

Elektror uses various materials like cast aluminum, steel and stainless steel for fans and blowers. This is why Elektror supplies various industries with pressures up to 50.000 Pa and air flows up to 1.000.000 m³/h.

From 11th to 15th September the manufacturer of industrial fans presents its air technology solutions in hall A3, booth 150.

