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Elektror airsystems Sp. z o.o. wins award
来源:来源: 发布时间: 2010-08-05 16:38 221 次浏览 大小: 16px 14px 12px | 作者:business-100 | 发布时间: 1896天前 | 570 次浏览 | 分享到:

Elektror airsystems Sp. z o.o. wins award

Elektror airsystems Sp. z o.o. wins annual “Company Of The Year Award” for 2017.

Elektror was one of the stars at the Great Gala of Polish Entrepreneurship which took place on Friday 19.05.2017 in Warsaw. Elektror airsystems Sp. z o.o. was awarded the “Company Of The Year” award (Firma Roku 2017) for the first time, in the category Innovation and Modern Technology.

The annual Polish Elections “Eagles of Polish Entrepreneurship” (Ogólnopolski Plebiscyt Orły Polskiej Przedsiębiorczości) aim to strengthen competitiveness and innovation of Polish companies. The Eagles of Polish Entrepreneurship awards are given to the best companies in their respective branches and intend to appreciate and distinguish those brands which can be a true inspiration for others.

The whole Elektror team has been working very hard to make products become a synonym for highest quality and that solutions offered to the customers set new trends in the industrial ventilation branch. For Elektror this award is recognition of efforts and at the same time a big motivation to continue perfecting products, production technologies and the involvement of all employees. 

