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Elektror helps children with cancer
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Elektror helps children with cancer

Tübingen – On 6th February 2019 trainer Natalie Hagmann and apprentices Leah Horvat and Marco Kreiner visited the “Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder” (organization for children with cancer) to hand over a donation check of 1,500 euros for the eighth time in a row.

The same as last year, the reception took place in the parental home of the association. Based on some examples Mr. Simschek (vice chairman of the organization) explained the work of the association. After that the donation check was handed over.

The annual donation is used to pay various therapies of ill children, as well as to take care of the relatives like grandparents, siblings and others and last but not least to drive forward the research against cancer. So for example trips and seminars can be organized, expensive equipment for the clinic can be bought and the painting and music therapies for the patients can be continued.

The donation of the manufacturer of industrial fans comes from a raffle which was held at the Christmas party. In addition, the amount was increased by further donations of the employees and the management. The sum is completely given to the organization for children with cancer.

